Downloading IguanaTexIguanaTex

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Latest version (Windows/Mac):

Download from Github

The latest version of IguanaTex should work for all users, on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows, running 32-bit or 64-bit MS Office, on PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, as well as Office 365; and on any Mac with PowerPoint 2019 or Office 365.



Legacy versions for archive purposes

Last Windows-only version

Version 1.58 IguanaTex v1.58 (.ppam) (October 10, 2020)

MD5: b8350008c4823cf997c4e906a580e4d4
SHA256: 060184f6d1f83fbadf4ce71d53293492a3e99f6ec4cf7fdd356727ce4ff682ad

Important note regarding malware detections: Some anti-virus softwares and firewalls report IguanaTex_v1_58.ppam as malware, sometimes even blocking download. After careful review of the code, I believe that these are false positives (more details at the bottom of this page). If you are having difficulties downloading the file above, the password protected .zip file containing the add-in (password: IguanaTex) should be fine. You can also try white-listing the file with your anti-virus software, or try the .pptm source (for the source version, open and "save as" a .ppam add-in file, then load that add-in).

For users from institutions requiring digital signatures (code-signing): IguanaTex v1.58 with self-signed certificate (.ppam)
If your institution prevents you from using the recommended version of the add-in at the top of the page, please download this version, code-signed using a self-signed digital certificate that I created, and ask your IT department to add that certificate to their list of trusted certificates.

New features:
v1.59+: Mac support; SVG support (more reliable than EMF); import LaTeXiT displays; and many more.
v1.50+: vector graphics support; batch edit mode; insertion of vector graphics files (.pdf/.eps/.ps/.emf) as PowerPoint shapes; and many more.
v1.40+: platex (Japanese) support; templates; per-display settings; TexPoint compatibility; read .tex from file; edit in external editor; regenerate multiple displays at once; relative path settings; and many more.
Since v1.37: UTF-8 support; new PDF to PNG conversion option, e.g., to handle Tikz; selection between pdflatex/xelatex/lualatex; various usability improvements; better error handling.

IguanaTex Google Group: To be informed of the release of new versions, you can join the IguanaTex Google Group.


  1. Load the add-in:
    in "File" > "Options" > "Add-Ins" > "Manage:", choose "PowerPoint Add-Ins" then "Go...", then click "Add New", select the .ppam file in the default Add-In folder or in the folder where you downloaded it, then "Close"
  2. Create and set a temporary file folder:
    IguanaTex needs access to a folder with read/write permissions to store temporary files.
  3. (Optional, for pdflatex/xelatex/lualatex support) Install and set path to GhostScript and ImageMagick:
    To use the PDF to PNG conversion (i.e., with pdflatex, xelatex and lualatex) instead of the default DVI to PNG one, you need to install GhostScript (gs9.26 is the currently recommended version, as issues with 9.27 have been reported) and ImageMagick and set the appropriate full paths to gswin32c.exe/gswin64c.exe (note the "c"!) and convert.exe in the "Main Settings" window. When installing ImageMagick, make sure to check the box to "Install development headers and libraries for C and C++" and (in recent versions) to "Install legacy utilities (e.g. convert)". Download links are provided in the Main Settings window.
  4. (Optional, for vector graphics support) Install and set path to TeX2img:
    To use vector graphics output, you need to install TeX2img (here is the direct download link for recommended version 2.1.0). After unpacking TeX2img somewhere on your machine, please run TeX2img.exe once to let it set the various paths to latex/ghostscript, then set the full path to TeX2imgc.exe (note the "c"!) in the "Main Settings" window.
  5. Note: in the "Main Settings" window, make sure to expand any default path including %USERPROFILE% by clicking on the "..." button and navigating to the proper location. %USERPROFILE% unfortunately leads to issues when launching processes.
The code assumes that you have LaTeX installed and that the "pdflatex" command can be found by the system. To confirm this, you can open a command window and type pdflatex.

Note 1: When upgrading to v1.34 or later, you may notice that some displays (typically larger ones) created with versions up to v1.33 change size when editing them. This is a once-per-display necessary inconvenience to handle an inconsistency in how PowerPoint inserts images.

Note 2: v1.50 fixes a rescaling issue occurring when using computers with various DPI settings (for PNG displays only; EMF displays are still affected). The caveat is that this results in a one time resizing inconsistency for displays created on monitors with DPI other than 96. (I tried very hard to make this backward compatible, but came to the conclusion that it was not reasonably possible.)

Source code: IguanaTex v1.58 (.pptm) (October 10, 2020)
If you modify the code, you will need to save it as a new .ppam add-in file, remove the current version of the add-in and add yours instead.
Github: the source code for all versions of IguanaTex is also available on Github.

For PowerPoint 97-2003: if you have trouble with the .ppam add-in, you can try IguanaTex v1.58 (.ppa) (October 10, 2020)

Changelog: change.log

More details regarding malware detections: As can be seen on's analysis, a binary component containing macros I wrote (or included after checking they were safe) is being flagged as suspicious. You can check the content of all macros in the analysis. If someone has a clue how to avoid such false positives, please contact me.

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